Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Trailers are stupid...

No I don't mean the boxes pulled behind pickup trucks, though they're mighty stupid too... bane of all sports car owners (who should own the road by default thank you very much).

No, I'm referring to the recent trend where people have been making actual trailers for flight sim movies. Ok, a trailer for a two hour long film makes sense, kinda, but for a five minute long one?

Stupid. Flat out.

So in the interest of putting yet another notch in my cherished Belt of Hypocrisy(-6 to character rolls), here you go!

I tried to make it as cheesy as possible, complete with excessively dramatic and overused 'trailer music'. (ie: great music from an older film because the composers for the actual film the trailer portrays are too damned lazy to get anything done in time) ;)

By the way, the new vid is taking bloody *forever* to make because, hardware and cloud issues aside, it features my favourite aircraft of all time, and unlike all my other films where I make many compromises, I absolutely refuse to cut any corners on this one. I've already tossed out an entire hard drive worth of shots because they just damned well weren't good enough. For those who have been waiting patiently for the next production, thanks, and hopefully it won't take too much longer! The amount of behind the scenes work going into this one is pretty insane and I've had to learn quite a few new things along the way. :)

Rafale. One fighter to rule them all...

Bonus points if you can tell me what recent trailer this music was used in! (hint: Svalbard)


Anonymous said...

so you threw out 1 terabyte or so of footage, wow.
I know that for a few seconds clip with fraps 100mb can be used up but thats a serious amount of clips lol

-anonymous ;)

Lotus / Ramasurinen said...

Yeah I've tossed out at least 500mb of footage so far, along with innumerable 'test' shots. Ugh. Gettin there though. Only in the last week have I gotten shots I'm actually almost happy with. :)

Anonymous said...

haha, I laughed with joy when I saw this trailer. looks epic and looks like it should be on a big screen. I can't wait for this plane.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, i just tossed out about 2 or 3 gigs of fraps files and its cleared up the space a good bit. So is there a title yet for the movie, it'll help me understand what the its about, (I wiki'ed lament and was interested by its meaning which 'fitted that movies bill' soo well).

-anonymous ;)

Lotus / Ramasurinen said...

There's no title as yet, but I have a few in mind. Not gonna give that away though. ;) Actually I rarely have a title set until I'm finished a video. It was Pebble actually who came up with the titles for 'Lament' and 'Vectors'.

Anonymous said...

Let her/him keep chossing, they have a knack for it. Considering they were your best videos by a long shot!

Anyway Its getting late over here and im pooped, time for sleep.
Have a good day!

-anonymous ;)

Anonymous said...

Can just hear Don Lafontain doing the trailer. Action. Romance. Desire. I wonder if that trailer is made up of thrown out clips? hehe All jokes aside though..the film looks amazing and I can hardly wait. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, well, uh...I liked the music and I didn't think it was 'cheezy' :P I guess that makes me kind of cheezy :) I particularly thought that the music made it sound like a war movie, going into combat, etc.

Dave the Geek said...

I tried to make it as cheesy as possible, complete with excessively dramatic and overused 'trailer music'.

Ya but where is the guy that does the trailer voice overs....

In a world where justice is denied, his was the kind of justice that's... fair......Ironic Eagle II..... from Lotus Films....starring JLo, and Mandy Patinkin.... This Spring... It's Personal!!

Anonymous said...

Ehh, should I get *killed* for making a trailer or is the belt of things that you hate meaningless?hehe;) but honestly my most favorite part of your trailer was when the Lotus [logo] popped out of what seemed to benowhere.It was way too intence for thr video!

*chuckles* excuse me for being corny

Lotus / Ramasurinen said...

Well it's my belt of hypocrisy, not of hatred, so make all the trailers you like. ;)

And yeah, if I could afford to hire Dan Lafontaine to do the voice over I would, but then I'd have to punch him in the head on principle. I can't stand that dude's voice haha.

In a woooorrlllddd where hamsters drive heavy machinery, and apple sauce is no longer safe!

Anonymous said...

Its 6 pm

Anonymous said...

Wohoooo...Great Teaser! Can You give any Hint to where You have gotten that Rafale? Is there any forum or website where I can check out the development of this Beauty?! I´ve been waiting for a loooooong time to see a Really Nice Rafale for FS. I got Cyril Pioffet´s old Rafale for FS2002/FS2004, but it´s not that Great anymore compared to the recent aircrafts released these latest years. So looking at that Teaser Vid just drives Me nuts!! Arrrgghhh!! lol ;)

Lotus / Ramasurinen said...

Hey Scenium, nice to see you over from the alphasim forums. Glad you like the preview. Agreed Cyril's Rafale was great for its day, used it in one of my first FS9 movies actually, but this one is definitely a quantum leap over it. You can follow Thor's work on his Rafale here (hope your french is up to snuff):


It's going to be awhile yet before it's released I think. The external is very polished but the VC has some ways to go. Flies beautifully though. ;)


Lotus / Ramasurinen said...

Bah it broke the link hehe.

Trying again:


Anonymous said...


that would be the exact location of the marine version .... i think ;)

- anonymous ;)

(my word verification is 'zitty' XD)

Anonymous said...

wow that might have been better than all my videos combined i am jumbing from exciment for your newest video.Can you please tell emwahts the nme of this beutiful classical music?

Anonymous said...

dragoon it seems you have not followed the best FSX movie maker by using a certtain 2 songs in you movie.


take a look!

you ruined the song!


- anonymous ;)

Anonymous said...

Well here are a couple of more suggestions for Don Lafontain to use in his well wishing "speeches". In a world where George Bush doesn't declare wars.........Where Paris Hilton is a virgin......Where wee kids don't wish to know where other kids come from.......exists such a "pain in the ass" that even he calls himself that!

The pain in the ass is you ;)

Joking hehe

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot for the Link Lotus!!! Altough it didn´t help Me mutch. LOL Now it´s even harder to wait for that Beauty to be Released. It´s breathtakingly Beautiful. Looks so Much better then many of My Payware aircrafts, man that dude got talent! :) Hopefully He will make the Armee De l'Air versions too. (C and B) Wohhoo! Can´t wait!

Lotus / Ramasurinen said...

Cheers Scenium. He's more talented than you know actually. His day job? Designing aircraft... real ones. :)

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! Then He really knows what He is doing!

Dragnoxz said...
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Dragnoxz said...

Yo, I am as some might know as Dragnoxz in the Team Speak, or SkyDragon in FSX, I usualy host the GPEO Military Flights in FSX.

I saw some of your videos on You Tube & I must say you have skills, lol, or, are the expet on making FSX films.

I run a virtual milirary grop called GPEO www.gpeo.info the site is only 1\4th done, but its getting there, lol.

I was wondering if anyone would like to fly with us or even do some war games, maybe you can get some footage for your video or something.

I hope to fly with you all, Dragnoxz out.....

Dragnoxz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

hey Dragnoxz i'm in the GPEO too.
Lotus u r amazing. That is the best aviation vid I've ever seen! Great Job and keep up the good work!

FSX multiplayer: FireDrake65
Youtube: PFalcon66