Friday, October 26, 2007

A little venting....

Well here's the first little gem for any FSX fans who have decided to check out my blog. I made this short flick just before starting on Lament. My bud Pebble was having a bit of a downer day and around that time I was getting TRULY frustrated with the number of airliner FSX movies going up on youtube every day. Both of us were actually. I mean come on people, how many freaking videos do we need that show the wing of an airliner on landing? Yes, you can land an A320, congratulations, tell someone who cares.

It was time to get it off my chest. I didn't keep this on youtube for very long, just long enough to make my point. Here it is for posterity. Don't give me any crap about the quality, I bashed this out in an hour and got a laugh from Pebble which was my primary goal at the time. :)


Jack said...

Very funny post. Where is the video though?

Lotus / Ramasurinen said...

Hi Jack. Thanks for the heads up, I didn't realize the videos weren't showing up in Firefox etc. Should be working now. Cheers.


Jack said...

Yeah its working now. That is one of my favorite videos now. Just too funny with a great point.